Neurofeedback Integration Therapy

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$210 for qEEG map review, $160 per regular session

A style of therapy for individuals who want to integrate changes from neurofeedback into new behaviors in daily life .

line work design of a face

Are you seeking a therapist who understands neurofeedback and can help you navigate the changes occurring in your brain? Brain change can be emotional and require shifts in old ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. When working with me, I can read and interpret your report, illuminate patterns that might be influencing your mental health goals, and use your neurofeedback journey as a pillar for building our therapeutic relationship.

What is Neurofeedback Integration Therapy and how is it different from neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback is a therapy that uses real-time brainwave monitoring to help train the brain to improve focus, emotional balance, and overall functioning through visual or audio feedback. Neurofeedback Integration Therapy is a good complement to such programs, as it helps clients navigate and process the often emotional nature of brain change.

What is a qEEG brain scan?

A qEEG (quantitative electroencephalogram) brain scan is a diagnostic tool that assesses electrical brain functioning. It provides detailed information about your brainwave patterns. It is noninvasive and can illuminate specific patterns that enhance ADHD, anxiety, trauma responses, and other cognitive, emotional, or behavioral issues.

Do you provide qEEG brain maps or neurofeedback?

Not at this time. This service is for clients who have either already started or completed a neurofeedback program. If you have a qEEG brain map, you may legally provide it for my interpretation and integration. I can also provide referrals to locations that offer both.

How do I know if I have one of these scans?

If you have done a neurofeedback program, it likely started with a qEEG. Other approaches that also often incorporate qEEGs include neuromodulation and transcranial magnetic stimulation. If you have done any of the aforementioned programs and don’t know if you received your brain scan, you may have to reach back out to those providers to see if it can be released.  

Are you trying to change my brain through therapy?

Not necessarily. I will offer you tools specific to your brain patterns in our therapeutic work together, but the goal is not to have a completely different scan by the end. I help you work with your existing patterns. This typically results in my clients feeling improved flexibility, self-compassion, understanding, forgiveness, and advancement in their goals (e.g. decreased anxiety, increased focus, more presence, improved emotional regulation, etc.)

Do you take insurance?

I do not take insurance at this time. I would be happy to provide superbills upon request, which can help with reimbursement.

What This Can Help





Post Traumatic Stress Reactions

Chronic Pain/Fatigue



How To Begin

Book a free 20-minute consultation with me by clicking the button below.